Sunday, September 10, 2006


...I didn't quite make an update yesterday. Quick one this morning while DH is running DS out to the river to train. Poor darling, all day yesterday in the rain and cold on Lake Rotoiti. I'm supposed to be making Eggs Benedict for brekky while he's away.
Bought lots of scrapping goodies at WHS in their 50% off deal. With the new papers I bought from SO the other day I can't wait to get into it. Will be a few days yet before I have time.
Carwashing again this arvo so no scrapping.



Anonymous said...

Did the carwash thing the other day ... was quite impressed with myself that I didn't need to completely change my clothes afterward! Must have taken more care because it's too cold to be working in wet clothes ... shivering for DS on Lake Rotoiti!

Lynda said...

Ooh what yucky weather to be out on a lake training - hmm thats what my guys are doing. I had more sense, staying at home in the warmth!

Anonymous said...

dedication on the boys part for training in rain. Yummy eggs benedict....

Jane said...

Hiya Sandra ! just leaving a comment to say I've just discovered your blog and think its fab ! Love your LO's.

Michelle said...

Oh god I hate fundraising with a passion but it just goes with the whole bringing up a family... arrghh

Unknown said...

Sandra yes we should get together Thursday, afternoon would be better as Arwen is at KIndy.