I feel like I am in 'plod' mode at the moment. Need an injection of energy to get stuff done. Off my list....room needs topcoat on walls and top coat on windows skirtings etc then it's finished. Then will need to dress it but...haven't got much to dress it with. Never mind. Hair looks cool (very red highlights!!!) and nails are still holding up. Pantries done so I'm getting there. Had Toby's yr 12 drama class performance assessments last night. What a talented buch of young people. Both meaningful and hilariously funny dramas.
Feeling very sad for Elliot at the moment. For the last 2 years he has been obsessed with rowing, coxing last year to learn as much as he can, training hard, eating well etc. Now, due to various reasons, it looks like there may be no boys rowing this season at the school. It's hard when your children face dissappointments like this. I think he's suffered enough pain in his short 14 years and I don't think he should have to have anymore (ridiculous 'protective mummy' belief here)
Got my contract to sign today (about time!!!) and our new broardband modem arrived on the same courier. Yay, that's our wee 'going back to fulltime work' treat for ourselves. Besides, it will stop the kids whinging at me about my internet time LOL
Have a good day. I'm off to try and achieve something!!
Another Mrs Plod here... my iron is low (am working on increasing it) and there's a lot happening to prevent me resting.
Need a pic of your new hair Sandra! ;-)
That's a bummer about the rowing. Is there a club outside school he could get into? It's difficult seeing people we love having to face disappointments.
Agreed need a picture of the new hair.
Would another school allow him to work with them at all.
So where is the pic of the haircut? I am sure that must be what you were off to get done :) That sucks about the school rowing team, is there a club he could get into?
well it looks like everyone is recommending a rowing club ... so I won't say it again(!) ... hope you can find a good group for him to join.
congrats on new job and broadband treat. we got broadband so Ken wouldn't keep asking *where's the mobile* to make phone calls while I was online!! LOL
I second and third what everyone says.... let's see a photo of your hair. The same about the rowing club too. Just a thought you have all been through a lot over the last few weeks be gentle with yourself....plodding is all good the energy will come
Congrats on that job contract...and the broadband....
You sound really busy - not plodding! At least you are focused on what needs to be done - I'm hiding from my real jobs.
We do need to see the new hair!
yeha for the photo of your hair! Bummer about the rowing though and its your job to be that protective mummy cause thats what we do :)
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