Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A blog award...

The lovely Sonya (who I would love to meet in person incidently) bestowed this blog award on me a while back. Thank you Sonya for your kind words. I don't feel very brave really.....just plodding on!!!

I'm off work sick today so taking the time to update my blog. We have just been through our 'rough time', Feb 1st being the anniversary of Olly's death. We spent some time together up at the cemetary, having a picnic and tidying up his plot. The lovely DGD had been to stay with us the night before which is always a treat. She is growing up so fast!! Why do they have to do that??

DS (16yrs) is back to school tomorrow for year 12...that's 6th form for us oldies. He's doing subjects like autoshop and working 1 day a week at a diesel mechanics which should make school a little easier for him. He would like to get an apprenticeship through Goughs and eventually work fixing the big caterpillar machinery but in the meantime he just continues to dismantle and play with his Mitsubishi in the garage lol.
I've been playing with my new slice machine but I cant upload any LO's coz DH has taken the connection lead on holiday with him for the week. Promise I will get them up as soon as he returns. In the meantime I'll leave you with a pic of our 'Olly honouring' picnic we had on sunday.

PS Who is the grumpy looking fat chick in the white t-shirt?? .....ha, ha. That would be me!!!!


Penny said...

Ha - you're not really a grumpy fat chick. :)
A picnic looks like a great way to do Olly honouring.

Katepai said...

Hi Sandra... so 31st Jan and 1 Feb are not the best days for us Huh??? Thinking of you!

You do actually look a bit grumpy in that photo but that's the problem with photos they do capture us with all sorts of facials. Great to se your family.

Love to you. Enjoying reading your blog too.

Kate x x x

Anonymous said...

Well its better than a poser type photo a glimpse of real life huh. Wondered when the anniversary was.
Haven't seen you for ages. Hope aside from the beginning of this month that all is well.

Penny said...

Sandra! I don't have your email addy to send your interview questions to so I'm putting them here...

1. I know you've got a foodie background. Tell us about your favourite food memory.
2. What would you like your kids to learn from you?
3. What would like as a superpower?
4. If somebody made a movie of your life story, who would you pick to play you? Your Hubby?
5. What's the one thing you're proudest of having accomplished in the past five years?

Jenny said...

Hi Sandra - just visitng - how are you?