Saturday, August 26, 2006

Computer down...bugger this means I am now without my lifeline. I have gone to my parents to put this on ,but they don't really live close enough for me to pop around and check things (altho they are in Tauranga) Computer will have to go to the hospital on monday. Thank goodness we recently put all our photos on CD!!! Can get hubby to clear emails at work, but I'm missing the forums and blogs. If I'm quiet for a while...that is why.
Missing you all already.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear 'bout your *loss* Sandra ... isn't it tragic that we rely so much on the computer for news and contact!!
Hope the box is home again soon.

Unknown said...

Yep your addicted Sandra.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know or we would be worried about ya!! I feel for you.

Lynda said...

Oh no Sandra, hope your box is better and home again soon. Guess you will get lots of scrapping done though with no PC to distract you.

Yolande said...

Yes missing you too...but guess there will be a HUGE update with all the scraping you get done instead! Catch up soon as the box is fixed.

Michelle said...

Oh no, not the computer down one! That sux... trying to imagine my world without my children! I'm thinking NO way :) See you on the other side when you get back................................................................................

Lara said...

so many people are loosing their comps at the moment - must back up my pics - offto buy more discs tomorrow!