...from me. I've been a slack blogger, I know. Just haven't been able to sit and blog for some reason. Anyway...I'm back now.
Did a load of scrapping before Christmas, will upload layouts over next few posts.
Christmas has been and gone. it was pretty quiet here, just us and Mum. Izzy and Abby (his girlfriend) were in and out visiting her family as well and Tracey left about 10 ish to spend the day with her boyfriends family. Was cool to have everyone wake up here to their Santa stockings tho. We had candles burning through the day for Dad and Olly. DH and I did some juggling and got some of the kids to give us some vouchers and, combined with some we had already, got ourselves a new espresso machine and burr grinder. Still haven't quite got it all right yet but my coffees are improving. I also got Fat Freddy's Drop (love those guys) and U2 CD's, some glasses, a lunchbox for work, petrol to cover our trip to Wgtn in March, a photo frame, some beading things and can't remember what else. Boys all seemed happy with their haul and we are still eating leftovers!! In fact some food we bought for Christmas we haven't even cooked or opened yet LOL. As caterers we have problems with food quantities!!!
Toby is away at rowing training camp atm and DH is frantic at work till mid or late Jan so it's pretty quiet round here. Tracey is working madly to save for her Netball trip to Aussie in a couple of weeks and DS (18) and girlfriend have just headed off to Whitianga for New Years.

I'm working thru (except for stats) but work is pretty quiet. Haven't plucked up the courage to take my scrapping stuff into work tho ha, ha. Planning on reorganising my scraproom (again!!!!) this weekend and getting some stuff done.
Will post again soon.
Happy New Year and may 2007 be filled with good things for you. May you also have the courage and strength to face the 'not so good' things that come your way too, cos they invariably will I've decided.
Sandra :-)